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Date 2021-11-18
No. Author Title
1 Yao-Tai Li The Logic of Labor Market under the Disappearance of Developmental State: Taiwan’s Case
2 Tsai-Chuan Ma & Ching-Hua Fu The Preliminary Investigation of the Production and Labor Process of Organic Agriculture in Taiwan
3 Chien-Hung Lee Dilemma between performance and equality under Contractualism: The social risk management analysis of Employment service regime in Taiwan
4 Hsien-Tiung Lin The Adjustment of Employees in Japanese Corporations under Economic Depression: A Case Study of Lifetime Commitment


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篇名 發展型國家消逝下的勞動市場邏輯:台灣案例的檢視
The Logic of Labor Market under the Disappearance of Developmental State: Taiwan’s Case
作者 李耀泰
Author Yao-Tai Li
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200801(第23期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 1-55

許多學者對於台灣在一九九〇年代左右所創造的經濟奇蹟,提出了各種不同的解釋,其中以「發展型國家」(developmental state)的理論視角來詮釋台灣等東亞國家的經濟成長最受人重視。對於台灣而言,在一九九〇年代左右的確藉由國家主導和經濟介入而帶來了快速的經濟成長;然而在邁入了二十一世紀之後,卻因為政治民主化以及經濟全球化的影響而出現了大幅度的改變。在這些轉變之下,攸關我國勞工就業的「勞動市場結構」也隨著出現了變化。 本文試圖從一個「宏觀」(macro)的觀點來探討在目前發展型國家消逝的趨勢之下,我國的勞動市場是否呈現出和過去截然不同的結構性轉變,而這些轉變對於我國勞工的就業安全、勞動型態以及勞動條件等層面是否會產生影響?以及產生了何種影響或衝擊?本文進一步認為這些影響的來源除了整體政治、經濟大環境的改變之外,也和我國決策者在因應這些趨勢時所採取的政策及作為有關,例如產業政策的調整、開放我國企業對外投資、以及跨國勞力的引進等等,這些均直接或間接促成了勞動市場結構的改變。


Many scholars suggest many explanations about Taiwan’s economic miracles during 1990s. Among these explanations, the theoretical framework of “developmental state” was attached the most importance. For Taiwan, it is truly that the dominance and economic interference of state brought high-speed economic growth; however, when we are entering into the 21st century, it changed a lot because of the political democratization and economic globalization. Under these transformations, the labor market structure which concerns native labors also changed.

In this article, I would like to discuss the following issues from a macro viewpoint: under the trend of the disappearance of developmental state, whether the labor market in Taiwan amounts to a structural transformation? Whether these transformations have any influences on the employment security, labor styles and labor conditions of our native labor and what kind of influences? I also think that these influences comes not only from the change of political and economic environment, but also from the policies made by the governmental leaders under these trends, such as the adjustment of industrial policies, the release of block on business investment, and the import of foreign labors…etc. These policies changed the labor market structure directly and indirectly.

關鍵詞 發展型國家、勞動市場、產業政策、彈性化、跨國勞力、Developmental State、Labor Market、Industrial Policy、Flexible、Transnational Labor


篇名 台灣有機農業生產與勞動過程之初探
The Preliminary Investigation of the Production and Labor Process of Organic Agriculture in Taiwan
作者 馬財專、傅晴華
Author Tsai-Chuan Ma & Ching-Hua Fu
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200801(第23期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 57-112

有機農業勞動者代表的是一種新興農業型態的工作者,到底有機農業勞動者的勞動樣貌為何?本文訪談對象涵蓋24位分別隸屬於財團法人國際美育自然生態基金會、財團法人慈心有機農業發展基金會與台灣省有機農業生產協會的有機農業勞動者,透過深入訪談方式瞭解他們對於自身勞動的看法與想像。將研究分為三個層次:勞動者、驗證單位與外在環境,再從三個層次分別與個別勞動者的勞動過程進行串聯,從結構因素與實際勞動交互影響下揭開有機農業勞動者的勞動樣貌。 研究發現,有機農業的象徵形象限制了對其勞動型態的發展。然而隨著驗證機制的出現,適時的解決了有機農業形象過度虛擬的缺陷,然卻相對強化了結構環境所給予的限制。有機農業勞動者在結構因素限制下發展出取代農藥化肥的應用,當有機農業無法維持高收入的經濟效益時,勞動者必須藉由經濟層面的妥協以及心靈層面的調適來突破進退維谷的現象,並維繫持續的勞動參與。最終,有機農業結構環境與有機農業勞動者具體實踐形成交融現象。本文作為初探性研究,可協助傳達勞動背後更複雜意涵的訊息,期望針對這群綠色勞動者的考察,能填補勞動社會學在此部分的論述。


Organic agricultural farmers represent a kind of new model of farmers. What characteristics of organic farmers are? Interviews are composed of twenty-four organic farmers in Taiwan. Through in-depth interviews, we try to figure out their characteristics and labor process. This paper focuses on the relations between structure and actors, and the interaction between structural factors and labor practice.

This paper demonstrates organic agriculture is a symbol of health and safety, environmental protection, expertise, economic ethics and labor dignity.It thus promotes organic farmers’ motivation in investment, crop selection but limits their production manner. At the right time, the Certification System solves the problem of undistinguishing drawbacks of organic products.It also enforces structural limits on organic agriculture.When organic farming can not maintain high economic benefits, it keeps and prolongs farmers' participation through their economic compromise and spiritual adjustment.As a preliminary research, this paper sheds light and insight to further researches on organic agriculture and in the large extent on the studies of green labor in the area of labor sociology.

關鍵詞 有機農業、有機農業勞動者、勞動實踐、綠色勞動、Green Labor、Labor Process、Organic Agriculture、Organic Farmers


篇名 契約主義下「績效」與「公平」的兩難:台灣就業服務體制的社會風險管理分析
Dilemma between performance and equality under Contractualism: The social risk management analysis of Employment service regime in Taiwan
作者 李健鴻
Author Chien-Hung Lee
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200801(第23期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 113-144



This paper analyze the Taiwan’s Employment Service Regime change by implementing contractualism to compressed high unemployment rates and increasing manpower of government at the same time of Employment Insurance Act carried out after Year 2003.Although indeed performing the effects of “supplementing service manpower” and “improving service performance” after change, but also producing the dilemma of moral hazard between performance and equality to damage the fair service benefits of particular unemployed. There are suggestions as follow: simplify the identification process of unemployment benefit, detach the service window of unemployment benefit and employment service, increasing manpower for the employment service stations of large unemployment benefit.

關鍵詞 就業服務體制、契約主義、社會風險管理、Employment Service Regime、Contractualism、Social Risk Management


篇名 經濟不景氣與日本企業之人員調整措施──以終身雇用制為例
The Adjustment of Employees in Japanese Corporations under Economic Depression: A Case Study of Lifetime Commitment
作者 林顯宗
Author Hsien-Tiung Lin
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200801(第23期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 145-179



The ways of employment in Japanese corporations consist of lifetime commitment, payments by seniority and enterprise labor union. Above all, life commitment is the most unique one.It follows the conventional way of Japanese society, culture, history and it does not base on the labor law of Japan. Hence, the life commitment has its own features and is usually used to distinguish the main differences of business cultures between Japan and Western countries.

The main feature of the lifetime commitment is that the employers will usually employed staff for life and they will not dismiss staff easily if there is no uncertainty.Moreover, staff will also expect to work at their corporation for lifetime. Corporation will provide relevant and applicable job training to staff.It will also provide appropriate welfare so that life commitment could also create a sense of belonging and loyalty by staff.However, during recession, corporation might also need to reduce manpower by retrenchment.In this case, Japanese corporation will adopt various ways to cope with the recession and handle the problem gradually.Therefore, life commitment culture is still has its uniqueness in Japanese corporations.

關鍵詞 日本企業、雇用形態、終身雇用制、Japanese Corporations、Lifetime Commitment、ways of employment


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