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Date 2021-11-18
No. Author Title
1 王惠玲 國際勞工組織對團結權之保障:兼評我國工會法
2 黃德北 所有制改變與中國大陸勞動關係變化之研究
3 John Minn, Robert Tierney Class and Class Struggle in Taiwan
4 邱淑芬、韓志翔 Exploring the Antecedents of Support for Employment Participation


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篇名 國際勞工組織對團結權之保障:兼評我國工會法
作者 王惠玲
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200507(第18期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 1-31

團結權係勞動者憑以組織團體捍衛會員權益之勞動基本權,為勞動者集體基本權之基礎,不透過團結權則無以行使團體交涉權與爭議權。國際勞工組織(International Labour Organization, ILO)為促進各國團結權之保障,特別在理事會下設置結社自由委員會(Committee on Freedom of Association, CFA),特別處理相關申訴案件,至二OO二年底已對2,156件申訴案件作成裁定;同時藉由案件之累積,不斷擴充團結權之內涵,並對公約賦予完整之解釋,使得團結權之保障有夠為清晰之指標。



關鍵詞 團結權、國際勞工公約、工會法


篇名 所有制改變與中國大陸勞動關係變化之研究
作者 黃德北
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200507(第18期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 33-77


關鍵詞 中國大陸勞動關係、中國大陸勞動政策、中國大陸勞工、中國大陸工會


篇名 Class and Class Struggle in Taiwan
作者 John Minn, Robert Tierney
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200507(第18期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 79-117

This paper deals with the formation of the working class in Taiwan since 1949. It looks at key factors which shaped class formation, including the rapid and massive proliferation of small industrial enterprises and the decentralized nature of rural manufacturing. It examines the early signs of class conflict in the industrialization process with the formation of independent labour unions but also the reason why these labour unions failed to organize as effectively as might have been expected give the profound industrial transformation of the country. It also surveys the use to foreign labour in the economy and its position in relation to the small independent labour movement.

關鍵詞 Taiwan, Labour, Working Class, Labour Movement


篇名 Exploring the Antecedents of Support for Employment Participation
作者 邱淑芬、韓志翔
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200507(第18期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 119-155

The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of employee satisfaction with human resource practices, organizational commitment and union instrumentality on support for diverse forms of employee participation in Taiwan's privatizing firms. Based on a survey of 1,344 employees at three Taiwan's state-owned enterprises in 1998, we found that (1)employee satisfaction with human resource practices was positively related to employees' support for consultative participation and negatively associated with support for advanced representational participation and employee ownership; (2)organizational commitment was negatively related to employees' support for advanced representational participation; and (3)union instrumentality was positively associated with employees' support for consultative, conventional representational, and substantive participation.

關鍵詞 Employee Participation, Human Resource Practices




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