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Date 2021-11-18
No. Author Title
1 Jyh-Jer Roger Ko、Ying-Jung Yeh & Po-Chuan Tsai An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Dispatched Work Upon Employment Relations and Human Resource Management in Taiwan -- A Comparison with the Development of Temporary Help Service in the U.S.A.
2 Jen-Jen Chen Atypical Employment in Japan-- A Human Resource Management Approach
3 黃櫻美、喬友慶 僱用關係型態與人力資源管理實務關聯性之探索性研究
4 洪嘉瑜、孫昌蔚 臺灣產業的工作重配置與勞工毛交換率


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篇名 台灣人力派遣對僱傭關係與人力資源管理影響的探討 ──以美國臨時性支援服務發展為對比
An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Dispatched Work Upon Employment Relations and Human Resource Management in Taiwan
-- A Comparison with the Development of Temporary Help Service in the U.S.A.
作者 柯志哲、葉穎蓉、蔡博全
Author Jyh-Jer Roger Ko、Ying-Jung Yeh & Po-Chuan Tsai
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200401(第15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 1-43


本研究屬探索性研究,針對國內實際從事人力派遣的業者進行深度訪談。我們由分析中發現,人力派遣業中關於僱傭關係的種種制度安排與 傳統僱傭關係迥異。尤其是由人力派遣業者、使用公司與派遣員工之間所構成的三角關係造成雇主認定上的混淆,派遣業者策略性地區分常僱型與登錄型派遣勞動導 致僱傭關係的不穩定性,以及派遣業者的彈性化人力資源管理措施造成對派遣人力的人力資本投資不足等,均是值得我們重視的演變。


We study institutional arrangements and practices of the controversial dispatched work business in Taiwan. On the one hand, we are looking for a better understanding of this work arrangement; on the other hand, we would like to understand how this work arrangement has reshaped the employment relations and human resource management within organizations. Due to lack of relevant literature and research, we use the temporary help service of the U.S.A. as the basis of comparison, to study the institutional arrangements, process of development, future prospect, and issues related to employment relations of this work arrangement.

This is an exploratory research and is based on interviews with agents of this industry. We find that institutional arrangements related to employment relations in this industry are different from those under traditional employment relations. We are particularly interested in some developments: first, ambiguity in identity of employer status caused by the triangular relationship between the staffing agent, the client company and the dispatching labor force; second, insecurity of employment relationship due to the agent’s strategy in dividing its workforce into “constant hire” and “registered temp”; third, under-investment in dispatched labor’s human capital resulting from staffing agents’ flexible human resource management practices.

關鍵詞 人力派遣、派遣勞動、臨時性支援服務、非典型工作安排、 僱傭關係、人力資源管理、dispatched work business、dispatched workers、temporary help service、non-standard work arrangements、employment relations、human resource management


篇名 日本企業人力資源運用方式及其問題的探討──以非典型工作型態為例
Atypical Employment in Japan-- A Human Resource Management Approach
作者 陳珍珍
Author Jen-Jen Chen
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200401(第15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 45-77



This paper explores the situation of atypical employment in contemporary Japan through examining the implications of the Investigation Report on the Multiplicity of Employment Types of 1999 by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan. 

It has been observed that atypical employment is common in Japan, on the grounds that 30% of the workforce are atypical employees. This paper reveals that nowadays atypical employment is considered by the Japanese employers to be necessary rather than supplementary to their enterprises, with a view to reduce personnel cost as well as to adjust human resource more flexibly.

On the other hand, this paper highlights that the majority of Japanese atypical employees chose to be an atypical worker at will; meanwhile most of them would be likely to remain unchanged in the future. However, it should be noted that within the groups of agency and fixed-term workers some of them had little choice but to accept atypical jobs.

關鍵詞 非典型就業型態、日本企業、部分工時工作者、atypical employment、Japan company、part-time worker


篇名 僱用關係型態與人力資源管理實務關聯性之探索性研究
作者 黃櫻美、喬友慶
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200401(第15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 79-103


關鍵詞 人力資源管理、人力資本理論、資源基礎理論、僱用關係


篇名 臺灣產業的工作重配置與勞工毛交換率
作者 洪嘉瑜、孫昌蔚
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200401(第15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 105-136

本文觀察台灣產業別的工作流動與勞工流動,相較於以往文獻只針對製造業,本文納入服務業的討論。首先建構各項指標,綜合產業別與年度別工作∕勞工流動的觀察,我們發現廠商需求與供給無時無刻不在進行調整,造成工作不時地汰舊換新與勞工不時地進出勞動市場。由淨就業成長率、工作創造率、和工作汰減率等指標的觀察,我們指認近年來我國產業結構轉型,傳統產業萎縮、以及新興高科技產業與服務業的興起茁壯;也得以指認各產業因市場特性不同而有不同的勞動市場波動。經由年度比較得知一九九四、一九九七兩年勞動市場繁榮,但一九九八年之後勞動市場熱絡趨緩。工作創造與工作汰減於時間上呈現不對稱性的波動,也表現在工作流動與景氣變化同方向變動。而勞工毛交換率的波動較工作重配置劇烈,但較不受景氣好壞的影響。各年度工作重配置率佔勞工毛交換率的比例介於12% 與24% 之間,得知工作的新增與汰減並非造成勞工流動的主因。平均而言,近十年來服務業相對製造業的新創工作較多、而工作汰減較低。進一步以迴歸模型分析影響工作波動與勞工進出的重要因素。迴歸結果得到產業規模越大,工作重配置與勞工毛交換率均較高,但不影響產業的就業成長。產出成長率顯著地提高產業的工作創造、減少汰減、與增加就業成長,但對工作重配置與勞工毛交換率的大小則無顯著影響。高生產力的產業傾向以工作的汰減配置勞動,也有較高的勞工毛交換率。資本密集度與出口比例對工作重配置與勞工毛交換率的影響則不顯著。

關鍵詞 工作創造、工作汰減、工作重配置、勞工毛交換率


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