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Date 2021-11-17
No. Author Title
1 Wei-yuan Cheng Traditional Solidarity, Market and the Specialties and Generalities of the Employer-employee Relations in the East Asian Firms
2 Michael M. Wei, Ph.D. From Government Regulation to Industrial Democracy? -- The Transformation of Employment Relations in Taiwan
3 Shen, Tzong-Ruey Analysis of International Infact on Taiwan Workers′ and Employers′ Organization Laws in Early 1960′s
4 Tsung-Hsueh, Hsieh The Reflection on the Flexibilization of Labor Market in the Informational Capitalism


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篇名 傳統連帶、市場與東亞企業勞資關係的特殊性和普同性
Traditional Solidarity, Market and the Specialties and Generalities of the Employer-employee Relations in the East Asian Firms
作者 鄭為元
Author Wei-yuan Cheng
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200301(第13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 1-37


Abstract How special the East Asian employer-employee relation is, depends on the level of abstraction of its characters. The base of the East Asian business model is its traditional solidarity. Traditional solidarity insulates employees form impacts of market. It is also the character of many family firms in other economies. However, market competition dilutes the solidarity. Comparative studies have shown that there are different types of labor relations among and within East Asian economies, and even within firms. Scholars label different types/models with terms adopted from anthropological terms. These terms have historical and cultural origins, on which we should take attention. The academic community has no consensus for the use of these terms. They may confuse readers. In this paper, the author traces the origins of these terms. After analyzing these types/models, he constructed model consisting of six firm types in a hierarchical order, according to the degree of solidarity. The author ranked the solidarity by four indicators: personal tie or guanxi employer’s responsibility and affectivity, and chances of promotion. The six types, from highest solidarity to the lowest one, are patrilineal, patriarchical, paternal, patrimonial, monopoly market, and market despotism. In conclusion, from an abstract level, the East Asian firm model has its generality based on traditional solidarity. However, globalization and flexible specialization lead to the declining of this traditional solidarity in employer-employee relations.
關鍵詞 東亞企業、勞資關係、家族企業、East Asian Business、industrial relations、family firm


Title From Government Regulation to Industrial Democracy? -- The Transformation of Employment Relations in Taiwan
作者 衛民
Author Michael M. Wei, Ph.D.
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200301(第13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 39-64

According to the industrial relations systems approach, there are several conversion mechanisms adapted by any of the industrial relations system. This paper attempts to explore whether there is a transformation of mechanisms from government regulation to industrial democracy in Taiwanese employment relations. There is a demand from the workers to have more industrial democracy in the workplace. The employers’ responses and government policies are two important factors to determine the direction and the progress of the industrial democracy in Taiwan. There is still strong resistance from the management toward industrial democracy at the plant or enterprise levels. The burden is on the workers and government side. The workers better believe in the “political theory” of collective bargaining and organizing together as the first step. When Taiwanese workers have the will and solidarity, there will be a way toward participation and democracy. If the government provides more collective labor laws on the protection of union organization and promotion of labor participation, it is optimistic to see more industrial democracy.

關鍵詞 Employment relations; industrial democracy


篇名 六〇年代初台灣勞資團體法規修訂之國際影響分析
Analysis of International Infact on Taiwan Workers′ and Employers′ Organization Laws in Early 1960′s
作者 沈宗瑞
Author Shen, Tzong-Ruey
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200301(第13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 65-105


Abstract This paper is to analyze the procedure of U.S. involvement in the revision of the Taiwan workers and enterprises organization law in 1960’s and the means with which the KMT reacted. The further analysis is done through corporatism and international political economy to elaborate the manipulation of Taiwan state corporatist regime and constrains of international political economy. This paper has proved the interactions between U.S. and KMT with the first-hand materials from the microfilm files of KMT before 1972.
關鍵詞 國家統合主義、黨國、工會、工商業會、美援、state corporatism、party-state, labor union、interest group、industry association、commercial association、US aid


篇名 資訊化資本主義下勞動市場彈性化的反省
The Reflection on the Flexibilization of Labor Market in the Informational Capitalism    
作者 謝宗學
Author Tsung-Hsueh, Hsieh
刊名 政大勞動學報
期數 200301(第13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學勞工研究所
起訖頁 107-140




Abstract This article studies the structural factors of the flexibilization of labor markets in informational capitalism following the widespread deployment of information and communication technologies from the 1990s. It argues that both the space of flows and timeless time are the structural characteristics of networked society. It is emphaised that these structural factors enlarged the inequalities and separateness between capital and labor:capital are globally mobile, and labor are locally embedded. Global competition and the spread of information technology are forcing the flexibilization of labor markets, which facilitating the commercialization of local labor accompanied with insecurity, de-unionization and the decreasing of average wages, but, benefiting to the globally accumulate of capital at the same time. The author argue that the state must take some positive measures in improvement of conditions and welfare of worker, in building comprehensive systems of recurrent education and social security, in order to protect the rights of labor and supports the long-term economic growth and social stability. It concludes by claiming that the state should take a role of social integrator in the information age.
關鍵詞 資訊化資本主義、資訊網絡、流動空間、無時間之時間、勞動市場彈性化、 informational capitalism、information networks、the space of flows、timeless time、the flexibilization of labor market



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